Formal Hall
Dining at Formal Hall is a traditional and very popular part of College life.
Formal Hall is an affordable three course dinner served by College staff by candlelight in our beautiful dining hall.
There's a dress code: suit and tie or cocktail dress, and students and Fellows wear their academic gowns. It's part of the classic Cambridge experience and always a memorable occasion.
At Jesus we have a Formal Hall four times a week at 7.30pm: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and on Sundays. Postgraduates dine separately on Wednesday nights in Upper Hall.
You can bring up to three guests, so it’s a great way to celebrate a special occasion with family or friends. Please ensure that your guests know about and follow the dress code and the for Formal Hall.
Tickets and drinks
It's a good idea to book your tickets up to seven days ahead to avoid disappointment, especially on Sundays or if there is a themed dinner.
We provide iced water but you will need to bring other drinks in yourself. You're allowed to bring soft drinks and up to a 750ml bottle of wine per person. The College bar sells a good range of reasonably priced wine.
When to arrive
On the night we recommend getting to the hall before 7.15pm because there's often a queue. Everyone must be seated by 7.30pm, when the Master says grace.
Menus and special diets
We publish the menu for each Formal Hall at least a week in advance , the College intranet.
We can accommodate most dietary needs; please add all details to your booking on Upay. If you have any questions about allergies, or any other aspect of your booking, please contact the Manciple’s office by calling +44 (0)1223 339485 during working hours or emailing
The contains all other details including key dates, prices, and other useful information.